Hog Bait

March 17, 2007

Howdy, another week gone here on the ranch. Dave and I are busychecking and mending the perimeter fence lines. It feels good to get back to the far reaches of the ranch again, you never know what’s going on back there until you make the hike and see for yourself. The fence is good for the most part, aside from the usual pig trails here and there. Plus a couple of trees down on the fence. We are putting some permanent fixes on the holes. The difficulty is getting the right material back to the fence, which a lot of it is only accessible by walking, or I should say “hiking.” I haven’t seen anything that looked like our elk could get out of at least. Those trees were on the fence but the fence held strong. The usual delays with the small projects I have going on are upon us. We couldn’t pour any concrete because the trucks would have gotten stuck in the mud around the barn. If the new well guys weren’t here today, they will be here Monday to put the windmill pipe in the hole. I got back on the ranch after lunch today and didn’t get a chance to check. Dave said he saw a truck down towards that area but didn’t know who it  was.

On Wednesday, we selected a good spot to work some pigs. I got this stuff called “hog wild.” We dug a couple of three foot holes and put that stuff with some corn down in the ground. We checked this morning, and the pigs have been there for sure. They dug up that stuff pretty good. I got this new digital motion detection camera to hang up around the ranch. I first hung it up on that back deer feeder around 10:00 at night and that morning between 3:45 and 4:20 got some good pictures of one of the elk cows. We hung the camera up now by the pig bait this afternoon.

All week, except yesterday and today I have gone out in the morning and burned some cedar piles. I bought a cactus burner to start the piles, and it goes up much easier. If we keep getting these foggy windless mornings, I can keep burning at least one pile early in the day. On Tuesday or Wednesday the temp. hit 85 degrees in the afternoon but has cooled off a little since then. I found some water trucks, so now I need to find some time to go get one. There is a good one up in Fort Worth that seems to be the best deal.

There was a lot of activity at the guest house today. Looked like some good progress was being made. I received a couple of rugs in the mail and Dave helped unload some beds for the guest house too. Come see us while it’s green.

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